Download Previous year Diploma Paper of Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem Dec 2017 Automobile Diploma Paper

Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem Dec 2017 Automobile Diploma Paper


Q1. Fill in the blanks.                                         1.5×10=15

a. Process planning is the most _______ method of performing an operation.
b. Break even analysis is also known as ______ analysis.
c. Dispatching function executes __________ function.
d. Wages of employees is a ____________ type of cost.
e. The best estimated cost is referred as ____________
f ___________ is calculated before the start of manufacturing.
g. The full name of JIT ______________
h. BIS which formulates national standard was established in the year __________
i. Standardization helps in ________ of parts.
j ___________ analysis is used for the classification of inventory.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

i. Explain procedure for process planning in brief.
ii. Write necessity of planning and control.
iii. Describe Statistical Quality Control.
iv. Differentiate between estimating and costing.
v. Write different types of Inspection.
vi. Explain Loading and Scheduling in brief.
vii. Describe direct cost and overhead expenses.
viii. Write role of operator and inspector in Inspection.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

a. Write function of production, planning and control department.
b. Explain objectives of Production Control.
c. Describe Quality Control, Quality Assurance and its need.
d. Explain benefits & implementation of Environmental Management System (ISO 14000).
e. Explain Production & method for measurement of productivity.

Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem May 2019 Automobile Diploma Paper

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Section a Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem dec 2017 Automobile Diploma Paper

Process planning is the most _______ method of performing an operation.

Process planning is the most _______ method of performing an operation.

Break even analysis is also known as ______ analysis.

Break even analysis is also known as ______ analysis.

Dispatching function executes __________ function.

Dispatching function executes __________ function.

Wages of employees is a ____________ type of cost.

Wages of employees is a ____________ type of cost.

The best estimated cost is referred as ____________

The best estimated cost is referred as ____________

___________ is calculated before the start of manufacturing.

___________ is calculated before the start of manufacturing.

The full name of JIT ______________

The full name of JIT ______________

BIS which formulates national standard was established in the year __________

BIS which formulates national standard was established in the year __________

Standardization helps in ________ of parts.

Standardization helps in ________ of parts.

 ___________ analysis is used for the classification of inventory.

 ___________ analysis is used for the classification of inventory.

Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem Dec 2017 Diploma Paper  Click Here

Section B :Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem dec 2017 Automobile Diploma Paper

Explain procedure for process planning in brief.

Procedure for process planning in brief.

Write necessity of planning and control.

Necessity of planning and control.

Describe Statistical Quality Control.

Statistical Quality Control.

Differentiate between estimating and costing

Differentiate between estimating and costing.

Write different types of Inspection.

Different types of Inspection.

Explain Loading and Scheduling in brief.

Loading and Scheduling in brief.

Describe direct cost and overhead expenses.

Direct cost and overhead expenses.

Write role of operator and inspector in Inspection.

Role of operator and inspector in Inspection.

Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem Dec 2017 Diploma Paper Click Here

Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem DEC 2017 Automobile Diploma Paper

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Section c :- Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem dec 2017 Automobile Diploma Paper

Write function of production, planning and control department.

Function of production, planning and control department.

Explain objectives of Production Control.

Objectives of Production Control.

Describe Quality Control, Quality Assurance and its need.

Quality Control, Quality Assurance and its need.

Explain benefits & implementation of Environmental Management System (ISO 14000).

Benefits & implementation of Environmental Management System (ISO 14000).

Explain Production & method for measurement of productivity.

Production & method for measurement of productivity.

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